KETTLEY KETTLEYHOMES.COM SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 30 YEARS SINCE 1982 REALTORS EOLA HINCKLEY KIRKLAND SUGAR GROVE PLANO Desirsble Martz Mollew Subdivision Becutiful Home - Protessional Landceping 3 Bedroom 2 Both, Oustom Kchen wChery Cabinets, Wry Wel-Mointoined Home 015-784-3200 S300.000 11147201 4 Bedoom. 3 Both. Chef's Kichen. Stone Freploce. Pate. Heoted Shed, 3. Cor Heated Goroge 815-498-3377 $525.000 11153733 Beoutitully Meinteined Rench - 5.5 Acres 3 Bedroom. 1 8ah. 2 Pole Buildings. Horses Alowed. Zoned Ag 630-466-4400 Lovely Corner Lot - Fontostic Location 4 Bedroom. 3% Bath, Spir Storoose. 2nd Floor Loundny Full Finished Basement. Lorge Potio Firepit 630-879-9555 $300.000 11147 Adorable Home - Reody for New Owners I Bedroom. I Both. Fence. Portiol Basement 1 Car Gorage. Shed a15-786-3200 $113.000 1114110 $499.900 11156600 HINCKLEY PLANO MONTGOMERY OSWEGO SANDWICH Move Right in - Molf of Duplex 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. 2nd Roor Laundry Now Hot 2 Bedroom. 2 V2 Borh. Loft Freploce in Living Room. Roor to Celing windows Finished tosement Deck 630-553-5040 $234.900 1113P091 Gerpeous ted Unit Duplex Gorgeous, Updoned. Light-Filed Homet 5 Bedroom, 2 % Borth, 2 Master Suites. Bomboo flooring. Fence. Large Deck, Fineoit Shed 815-784-3200 S3IR000 114253s Great Duplex Unit Wondertully Renovated Home - Corner Let 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath, Fireploce. Sunporch. New Deck in 2000. 55+ Community 630-553-5060 STR900 11137402 2 Bedroom, 2 s Both. 2nd Flor Loundry. Deck Move in Reody 430-553-S040 S174900 1115s040 Woter Heater & New Root 630-553-s060 $224,900 11I5609 SHERIDAN LAKE HOLIDAY PLANO MILLINGTON YORKVILLE Beoutitu Ronch witn Leokout Bosementt 3 Bedroom. 3 Bon, Brick Wood Burning Freploon. finshed Bosemen 815-786-3200 2 Acre Let with 257 Feet of River Frontege Buld your Dreom Home - Wokout Bosement Perfect locotion - Partioly wooded 430-553-S060 Fomestie Home on 60 Acres Deique, Quiet Heavily Wooded Lat 5 Bedroom, 3 Both. 2 Moster Sutes. Wop Around Fox Rver Vewn a ocross trom Von Enmon Pork A Brick Home - Walkout Bosementt 3 Bedroom, 2 Bam, Open Roor Ron, Full Bosement. Deck Deck 17 Acres. 72X 36 Out Building 630-553-5060 $888,000 11125815 152 Acres 630-553-5040 $4.900 11140898 s229.900 156389 S29,900 1114080s S129,P00 110874 OSWEGO PAW PAW FIRST STATE MORTGAGE 888-664-9108 Great Home Mortgage Services The First State Mortgage Difference First State Mortgage was founded in 2007 by a group of veteran bankers who have been working together in the residential mortgage services industry for more than 20 years. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive range of mortgage products, competitive pricing, and high quality, ethical mortgage services. We continue to succeed and grow. In 2018, the company closed and funded more than 1,700 loans in exoess of $327 million. Market Brick 2 Stery Homne - Country Living SBedroom, 38at, Freploce, Updoted Knchen, Beths. New Bool & mach moe is NEW ao Shed Beoutitul Let - The Estotes of Fax Chose Build your dreom home here Oreat location, Owego Schools. 630-553-S040 S49.900 11076365 630-896-5000 S29R.000 1112342 to Sell LELAND LELAND First State Mortgage's headquarters is located in Bloomington, linois, with lending capabilities in most List STEVE BAUER states. We are invested in each community where we do business. As a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank, member FDIC, First State Mortgage oflers the security and stabity of a familiar community bank that VP. Sales Manager NMLS450043 (630) 457-4962 sbauerfsmloans bie people have come to know and trust. with us! FIRST STATE MORTGAGE Beautil Old Chern a Cretsmenship Green investment Property - Long Time Tenonts 4-2 Bedroom, 1 Both Un Loundry on eoch Floor. Comer Lot 815-786-3200 $230,000 11140093 5 Bedroom, 2 Bet Hordwood Rloors. Stained Glos Windows. 2320 ottc. Wap oround porch 815-498-3377 S164,900 11148580 KETTLEY INSURANCE 630-896-4477 SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 50 YEARS SINCE 1962 ALL OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH KETTLEY KETTLEYHOMES.COM SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 30 YEARS SINCE 1982 REALTORS EOLA HINCKLEY KIRKLAND SUGAR GROVE PLANO Desirsble Martz Mollew Subdivision Becutiful Home - Protessional Landceping 3 Bedroom 2 Both, Oustom Kchen wChery Cabinets, Wry Wel-Mointoined Home 015-784-3200 S300.000 11147201 4 Bedoom. 3 Both. Chef's Kichen. Stone Freploce. Pate. Heoted Shed, 3. Cor Heated Goroge 815-498-3377 $525.000 11153733 Beoutitully Meinteined Rench - 5.5 Acres 3 Bedroom. 1 8ah. 2 Pole Buildings. Horses Alowed. Zoned Ag 630-466-4400 Lovely Corner Lot - Fontostic Location 4 Bedroom. 3% Bath, Spir Storoose. 2nd Floor Loundny Full Finished Basement. Lorge Potio Firepit 630-879-9555 $300.000 11147 Adorable Home - Reody for New Owners I Bedroom. I Both. Fence. Portiol Basement 1 Car Gorage. Shed a15-786-3200 $113.000 1114110 $499.900 11156600 HINCKLEY PLANO MONTGOMERY OSWEGO SANDWICH Move Right in - Molf of Duplex 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath. 2nd Roor Laundry Now Hot 2 Bedroom. 2 V2 Borh. Loft Freploce in Living Room. Roor to Celing windows Finished tosement Deck 630-553-5040 $234.900 1113P091 Gerpeous ted Unit Duplex Gorgeous, Updoned. Light-Filed Homet 5 Bedroom, 2 % Borth, 2 Master Suites. Bomboo flooring. Fence. Large Deck, Fineoit Shed 815-784-3200 S3IR000 114253s Great Duplex Unit Wondertully Renovated Home - Corner Let 3 Bedroom. 2 Bath, Fireploce. Sunporch. New Deck in 2000. 55+ Community 630-553-5060 STR900 11137402 2 Bedroom, 2 s Both. 2nd Flor Loundry. Deck Move in Reody 430-553-S040 S174900 1115s040 Woter Heater & New Root 630-553-s060 $224,900 11I5609 SHERIDAN LAKE HOLIDAY PLANO MILLINGTON YORKVILLE Beoutitu Ronch witn Leokout Bosementt 3 Bedroom. 3 Bon, Brick Wood Burning Freploon. finshed Bosemen 815-786-3200 2 Acre Let with 257 Feet of River Frontege Buld your Dreom Home - Wokout Bosement Perfect locotion - Partioly wooded 430-553-S060 Fomestie Home on 60 Acres Deique, Quiet Heavily Wooded Lat 5 Bedroom, 3 Both. 2 Moster Sutes. Wop Around Fox Rver Vewn a ocross trom Von Enmon Pork A Brick Home - Walkout Bosementt 3 Bedroom, 2 Bam, Open Roor Ron, Full Bosement. Deck Deck 17 Acres. 72X 36 Out Building 630-553-5060 $888,000 11125815 152 Acres 630-553-5040 $4.900 11140898 s229.900 156389 S29,900 1114080s S129,P00 110874 OSWEGO PAW PAW FIRST STATE MORTGAGE 888-664-9108 Great Home Mortgage Services The First State Mortgage Difference First State Mortgage was founded in 2007 by a group of veteran bankers who have been working together in the residential mortgage services industry for more than 20 years. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive range of mortgage products, competitive pricing, and high quality, ethical mortgage services. We continue to succeed and grow. In 2018, the company closed and funded more than 1,700 loans in exoess of $327 million. Market Brick 2 Stery Homne - Country Living SBedroom, 38at, Freploce, Updoted Knchen, Beths. New Bool & mach moe is NEW ao Shed Beoutitul Let - The Estotes of Fax Chose Build your dreom home here Oreat location, Owego Schools. 630-553-S040 S49.900 11076365 630-896-5000 S29R.000 1112342 to Sell LELAND LELAND First State Mortgage's headquarters is located in Bloomington, linois, with lending capabilities in most List STEVE BAUER states. We are invested in each community where we do business. As a wholly owned subsidiary of First State Bank, member FDIC, First State Mortgage oflers the security and stabity of a familiar community bank that VP. Sales Manager NMLS450043 (630) 457-4962 sbauerfsmloans bie people have come to know and trust. with us! FIRST STATE MORTGAGE Beautil Old Chern a Cretsmenship Green investment Property - Long Time Tenonts 4-2 Bedroom, 1 Both Un Loundry on eoch Floor. Comer Lot 815-786-3200 $230,000 11140093 5 Bedroom, 2 Bet Hordwood Rloors. Stained Glos Windows. 2320 ottc. Wap oround porch 815-498-3377 S164,900 11148580 KETTLEY INSURANCE 630-896-4477 SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 50 YEARS SINCE 1962 ALL OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH