Is It Time To Cash In Your Coins? If you are actively collecting-great! We can help fill in those missing coins. But if you haven't looked at them in years, we can turn that 'clutter' into 'cash!' Coins can be damaged by storing them in humid places. If you no longer want them, give us a call today! FOX VALLEY COINS (630) 305-0100 WWW.FOXVALLEYCOINS.COM 4S100 N. Route 59, Naperville, Illinois 60563 1 Light North of 1-88 at Naperville/ Warrenville Border Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-3, Closed Sun & Holidays Is It Time To Cash In Your Coins ? If you are actively collecting - great ! We can help fill in those missing coins . But if you haven't looked at them in years , we can turn that ' clutter ' into ' cash ! ' Coins can be damaged by storing them in humid places . If you no longer want them , give us a call today ! FOX VALLEY COINS ( 630 ) 305-0100 WWW.FOXVALLEYCOINS.COM 4S100 N. Route 59 , Naperville , Illinois 60563 1 Light North of 1-88 at Naperville / Warrenville Border Mon - Fri 10-6 , Sat 10-3 , Closed Sun & Holidays