KETTLEY KETTLEYHOMES.COM REALTORS SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 30 YEARS SINCE 1982 OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 13 ST CHARLES PLANO OTTAWA SANDWICH 15606 Dougles Ave. Sendwich R 34 or Chicogo d to Somonouk Rd to Memory Lane Estones Est to Douglos Ave 815-786-3200 S399.900 110146a1 Fantosticell Kept Mome - Acre Lat 4 Bedroom. 46 Boh New Root AC18 fumoces 630-553-5060 S718,900 10978831 Like New Home - Fenced Terd 3 Bedroom. 2 Bat, Portal Bosement 15Car Garoge & so much mo 630-896-5000 $1ORP00 1011232 Unique 251 MOL Acres Office. Pool Bidg wofice. Showers,Outdoor Pool Cument use - Oet Scout Comp 630-553-S040 52.200.000 10939548 Becutitully Maintained Ronch 3 Bedroom. 2 Bah. Hordeood Floors 1 Cor +4 Car GorogeWorkshop EARLVILLE SOMONAUK SHERIDAN YORKVILLE SHERIDAN 196 Acre Form - Very Good Solls Zoned Ag. Creek thvough property withobidge Diemond in the Rought 3 Bedioom. Bon. Oiginal cham needs some fuc 815-498-3377 Greet House with fenced Yord 3 Bedroom, 16 Both Recent Updotes Heated Goroge with dor & Fomily Room 815-784-3200 $155.000 10940409 Tudor Style Rench - Neorly 2 Acres 3 Bedroom. 3 Boh. Fu Finished Bosement Enjoy Smoll Town Living 0.16 Aore Lot in Town Deck, Soreened Porch 630-553-5040 S349,900 10977148 with Cty Sewer Neorty 630-553-S040 S1.754,200 1101093 S129.900 1093031 NEWARK LELAND SOMONAUK LAKE HOIDAY LAKE HOLIDAY MILT S0 Aere Percel in a Great Lecetiont Comes with bullding oflocation Quiet Grovel Rood Juat Mie oft Blocktop 630-553-500 $400,000 1016219 Lots of Potentiol - Good Selid Home 3Bedroom 3Boh. Lorge 15 Cor Gorage a 2l Woshop 815-498-3377 2 Mixed Use Commerciel Buildings 2 Storetonts, 3 Apartments- Lots of Polental 815-49-3377 S249,500 1079s000 Meve in Ready 2 Story Home 4 Bedroom. 26 Bath, Firished Bosement Deck& Lorge Yord a15-498-3377 $274.900 11007240 Beeutital, Heovily Wooded Lat 034 Acre Lot. uild your dream home 315-498-3377 S27,000 10891S51 SI34,500 10841437 SHERIDAN SANDWICH YORKVILLE FIRST STATE MORTGAGE 888-664-9108 Home Mortgage Services The First State Mortgage Difference First State Mortgage was founded in 2007 by a group of verteran bankers who have been working together in the residential mortgage services industry for more Whet a deall 8 Los for Sole Mony lots hove rver view Moture tees 815-49-3377 S59.900 10781322 Commerciel Building - Zoned B-2 3.403 SF Otfos keo a 3soo SF WarehouseShop Areo w10- Celings. 9 Overheod Door. 630-583-S040 Peacetul Country Subdivisiont Buld your dream home on 066 ocre lot Our g s campati and high quality, ethical mortgage services. We continue to succeed and grow. In 2018, the company closed and funded more than 1,700 loans in excess of $327 mil- lion S196.000 1097204 $21,500 10989644 MILLBROOK PLANO DEKALB First State Mortgage's headquarters is located in STEVE BAUER Bloomington, Itinois, with lending capabilities in most states. We are invested in each community where we do business. As a wholly owned subsidiary of First VP. Sales Manager NMLS450043 (630) 457-4962 LAND for sale State Bank, member FDIC. First State Mortgage offers the security and stability of a famililar community bank FIRST STATE MORTGAGE Your Own Place in he Counnry 12- Acros of Woods. Open tond & Woterfont Great Petential tor Commercial or Redevelopment 6.04 Acres. Matune trees. Zoned Single Famly 630-896-5000 $325,000 10824912 238 Aere Percel- Zoned Agrieuiture Prime investment Propety - 2 Pacla Parcel tis 160 ocres. Porcel 2 ia 78 ocres. 630-87955 $8,330.000 10821779 00 630-553-5040 $224,900 10974359 KETTLEY INSURANCE 630-896-4477 SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 50 YEARS SINCE 1962 ALL OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH KETTLEY KETTLEYHOMES.COM REALTORS SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 30 YEARS SINCE 1982 OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 13 ST CHARLES PLANO OTTAWA SANDWICH 15606 Dougles Ave. Sendwich R 34 or Chicogo d to Somonouk Rd to Memory Lane Estones Est to Douglos Ave 815-786-3200 S399.900 110146a1 Fantosticell Kept Mome - Acre Lat 4 Bedroom. 46 Boh New Root AC18 fumoces 630-553-5060 S718,900 10978831 Like New Home - Fenced Terd 3 Bedroom. 2 Bat, Portal Bosement 15Car Garoge & so much mo 630-896-5000 $1ORP00 1011232 Unique 251 MOL Acres Office. Pool Bidg wofice. Showers,Outdoor Pool Cument use - Oet Scout Comp 630-553-S040 52.200.000 10939548 Becutitully Maintained Ronch 3 Bedroom. 2 Bah. Hordeood Floors 1 Cor +4 Car GorogeWorkshop EARLVILLE SOMONAUK SHERIDAN YORKVILLE SHERIDAN 196 Acre Form - Very Good Solls Zoned Ag. Creek thvough property withobidge Diemond in the Rought 3 Bedioom. Bon. Oiginal cham needs some fuc 815-498-3377 Greet House with fenced Yord 3 Bedroom, 16 Both Recent Updotes Heated Goroge with dor & Fomily Room 815-784-3200 $155.000 10940409 Tudor Style Rench - Neorly 2 Acres 3 Bedroom. 3 Boh. Fu Finished Bosement Enjoy Smoll Town Living 0.16 Aore Lot in Town Deck, Soreened Porch 630-553-5040 S349,900 10977148 with Cty Sewer Neorty 630-553-S040 S1.754,200 1101093 S129.900 1093031 NEWARK LELAND SOMONAUK LAKE HOIDAY LAKE HOLIDAY MILT S0 Aere Percel in a Great Lecetiont Comes with bullding oflocation Quiet Grovel Rood Juat Mie oft Blocktop 630-553-500 $400,000 1016219 Lots of Potentiol - Good Selid Home 3Bedroom 3Boh. Lorge 15 Cor Gorage a 2l Woshop 815-498-3377 2 Mixed Use Commerciel Buildings 2 Storetonts, 3 Apartments- Lots of Polental 815-49-3377 S249,500 1079s000 Meve in Ready 2 Story Home 4 Bedroom. 26 Bath, Firished Bosement Deck& Lorge Yord a15-498-3377 $274.900 11007240 Beeutital, Heovily Wooded Lat 034 Acre Lot. uild your dream home 315-498-3377 S27,000 10891S51 SI34,500 10841437 SHERIDAN SANDWICH YORKVILLE FIRST STATE MORTGAGE 888-664-9108 Home Mortgage Services The First State Mortgage Difference First State Mortgage was founded in 2007 by a group of verteran bankers who have been working together in the residential mortgage services industry for more Whet a deall 8 Los for Sole Mony lots hove rver view Moture tees 815-49-3377 S59.900 10781322 Commerciel Building - Zoned B-2 3.403 SF Otfos keo a 3soo SF WarehouseShop Areo w10- Celings. 9 Overheod Door. 630-583-S040 Peacetul Country Subdivisiont Buld your dream home on 066 ocre lot Our g s campati and high quality, ethical mortgage services. We continue to succeed and grow. In 2018, the company closed and funded more than 1,700 loans in excess of $327 mil- lion S196.000 1097204 $21,500 10989644 MILLBROOK PLANO DEKALB First State Mortgage's headquarters is located in STEVE BAUER Bloomington, Itinois, with lending capabilities in most states. We are invested in each community where we do business. As a wholly owned subsidiary of First VP. Sales Manager NMLS450043 (630) 457-4962 LAND for sale State Bank, member FDIC. First State Mortgage offers the security and stability of a famililar community bank FIRST STATE MORTGAGE Your Own Place in he Counnry 12- Acros of Woods. Open tond & Woterfont Great Petential tor Commercial or Redevelopment 6.04 Acres. Matune trees. Zoned Single Famly 630-896-5000 $325,000 10824912 238 Aere Percel- Zoned Agrieuiture Prime investment Propety - 2 Pacla Parcel tis 160 ocres. Porcel 2 ia 78 ocres. 630-87955 $8,330.000 10821779 00 630-553-5040 $224,900 10974359 KETTLEY INSURANCE 630-896-4477 SERVING THE FOX VALLEY FOR OVER 50 YEARS SINCE 1962 ALL OUR SERVICES ARE PROVIDED IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH